Use Local Store


const [store, select, setStore] = useLocalStore('example-slice')

Set data to the store

You can set data directly to the store using single parameter

setStore({ name: 'dinesh', age: '27' })

With two parameters you can set a data model to specific key reference

setStore('user', { name: 'dinesh', age: '27' })

Retrieve Data from store

You can simply retrieve data from store using 'select()' method. Also, this method can be used to retrieve data from any nested object level


If you want to quick access to some specific key reference. Use 'select()' method with two parameters

let user = select('user', select)
console.log(user('name')) // dinesh

Local Store Thunk

Sometimes we need to set data models form thunk layer. In such case we can use 'localStore' thunk method


const [setStore] = localStore("example-slice")

Set data to the store

dispatch(setStore("user", { name: 'dinesh', age: '27' }))