Tuple Card
Tuple Card component is used to contain Tuple components.
Tuple card receives configurations data from the Frappe back end with useUiConfigs hook. Look at following snippet.
const {data} = useUiConfigs(type, id)
UI config data comes as an stringyfied JSON.
It contains following keys.
Explanation for keys
title - The title of the Tuple card.
path - This is the name of the key to view data in Tuple lines.
type - There are different tuples. "type" key is used to refer the type of a Tuple.
- text
- conditional-text
- resolvable-text
- date
- template-view
- external-link
resolvable_query - Sometimes desired value may not be in the local data model. You can use the "path" key to resolve a value with a query. You need to provide query id to "resolvable_query".
template -
date_format - If the Tuple "type" is "date" you need to choose a date format. There are currently 02 date formats.
is_editable - Sometimes Tuples should be editable.
- 0 - This indicates that tuple is not editable.
- 1 - Tuple is editable.
edit_type - If the tuple is editable, You have to select a edit type.
- Text
- Select
- Select Doc
- Link
- Text Area
- Date
- Picker
- Multiline Text
- Template Edit
- Auto Complete
edit_data_query - If you used the "Select" as the edit_type you have to get a key,value pair list to use as the drop down. So you have to add that query id to this key.
select_doc -
component_model -
is_navigable - If you should add an internal link(Which means routing inside the Helios ERP) to a tuple you have to check this option. After you check this option there will be a small arrow icon in the left side of the tuple value.
external_link - When the "type" is "external-link" you need to provide the desired external url to this key.
conditional_model -
navigation_model - Navigation model is used to provide configuration details to the Navigator
is_blank_page -
display_depends_on - If you need to render the tuple depends on another tuple. You can use this key.
custom_class - You can provide a custom css classes with this key.